A paediatric emergency specialist by day and a mother of six by night, Dr Jade Kua manages to balance a stellar career with family life and is stylish to boot. In this interview she shares more about her life and adventures with her legendary 6Ms (Martin 16, Mariesa 15, Mariena 13, Mark 5, Marion 3 and three-month old Marcel).
MELISSA LWEE-RAMSAY: You’re a doctor specialising in pediatric emergency medicine and a mother of SIX what an inspiration! Which is the more difficult role?
DR JADE KUA: Paediatric Emergency is definitely more difficult because I treat every patient I see with extra caution (even those who appear to present with ‘just’ a cold) in case I miss anything serious lurking beneath. However with my own kids, I often allow them to be a rough-and-tumble lot, and hopefully, thrive organically.
How do you balance your career with motherhood and what are some management tips you can share with our readers?
At work, I often have to make decisions on which tasks are urgent and important that need to be done first; and yet have an eye on the other less urgent or less important tasks because situations change. I employ this same technique with my family and in my personal life. It frees me to balance more balls in the air. Conversely, if I try to do everything at once, I tend to feel more stressed and ironically, accomplish even less.
You’re the programme director of DARE, can you share with us more about the initiative and why you have taken such an active role in it?
DARE stands for Dispatcher Assisted first REsponder. It is a community project that aims to educate the general public on how to save the lives of cardiac arrest victims by teaching them basic resuscitation. The messages are simple: Call the emergency number and stay on the line; start chest compressions; use a defibrillator (this is a life-saving machine that can be found in many public places).